We couldn't be more exhausted and happy at the same time. We've already played a few shows this season.... and one of them was outside.... boy was it HOT that day! Field of Dreams in Salem NH had us ( a new venue for us ) and it was a great day! Coming up, Rangeley Maine, Old Orchard Beach, Tuscan Village, a private event at Lake Shore Park in Gilford NH, The Derryfield in Manchester NH..... and later in the year: A RETURN TO THE REX THEATRE IN MANCHESTER NH! Our new bass player, Jim. is doing great, so come and say hi to him! One of the nicest guys there is! Did you know that in September, our own Krystn is getting MARRIED! We are so happy for her, so come say Congratulations!!!! Until next time, thanks for being a SOSB fan.
2024 is already in full swing!